+36 30 606 1651; +36 20 458 5921 INFO@ECOTOURSWILDLIFE.CO.UK

Birding holidays

Ecotours Wildlife Holidays

Ecotours Wildlife Holidays is the specialist of Eastern Europe, running regular birding tours in 15 countries of the region. We organise quality Birding, butterfly, moth and dragonfly and bird photography tours, we also offer bear watching and bat watching opportunities, besides running small mammal safaris and general wildlife holidays. We are proud of working in a team of very enthusiastic, professional and friendly guides. We are in contact with an unrivalled network of conservationists, national park guides, bat experts, lepidopterists and nature photographers throughout Eastern Europe, who are eager to share their knowledge and give professional local guidance. We understand that the preferences of our clients may vary, and we are happy to adjust the focus, pace and any other aspects of the birding tours to the particular taste of the group or individuals.
We place great importance in providing guests with excellent local cuisine using very comfortable accommodation, preferably small, family run hotels in scenic locations.
Ecotours Wildlife Holidays Limited is registered as a private company by The Companies House in the United Kingdom and Wales under company No. 7530514.
Ecotours Wildlife Holidays Limited has a combined tour operator liability insurance at Scrutton Bland Ltd. valid for all destinations visited in Europe and Asia.
We have offices in Budapest, Hungary and in the UK. For correspondence with snail mail please use 69 Abbey Road, Bourne, Lincs, PE10 9EN.


We are based in the heart of the region, in Hungary, and feel at home in the following countries: Albania, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine, Turkey.
We also have some exotic destinations that we love for special reasons and run tours to Ethiopia and Ghana in Africa, and are now launching our new birding tour in Mongolia.
Apart from pioneering the first birding tours to some of these countries, we believe our customer care has helped Ecotours Wildlife Holidays to become probably the most preferred ground agent in Eastern Europe for private groups, individuals and bird societies.
We are also proud to work with many UK and US based tour operators, such as Avian Adventures, The Travelling Naturalist, Limosa, Naturetrek, Speyside Wildlife, Aigas Field Centre, Victor Emanuel Nature Tours, Birdwatching Breaks, Birdholidays, Sunbird and Sarus Birdtours.


During our birding tours and wildlife holidays we aim at building the best possible relations with the local communities, trying to involve them in protecting their own environment, and to bring them benefits by using their services. Wherever we travel we look for ways to support local conservationists, ringing stations, bird societies and local initiatives, sometimes by donations, by building friendships and by sharing information. We also work with some of the National Parks in Hungary and other countries in various ways. These range from simply passing on our observations and records, to organizing and running butterfly monitoring projects. We also support local communities by fostering an interest in their immediate natural environment, for example involving schools in Transylvania with Tengmalm’s Owl nestboxes, where the children are the “owners” of the boxes. When visiting Ghana we work with the local Ghana Wildlife Society employing their local guides and also by financially supporting their work. We have organised several successful Butterfly conservation projects with three Hungarian National Parks and the Butterfly Conservation of UK and BC International.
